Friday, February 03, 2006

Innocent Beginnings

Can you remember your first orgasm?

I was very young when I had mine, no more than six or seven years old. I was exploring as any kid does, finding out the differences between my body and that of boys when I touched my clitoris. The sensation that shot through me was amazing, like a bolt of electricity shooting through my body. I was intrigued, and I wanted more.

No orgasm stands out in my memory like that first! I’ve been hooked ever since, constantly craving the release of orgasm. I’ve masturbated in so many different places and in so many different circumstances I’ve lost count.

Perhaps that’s why I wasn’t particularly interested in having a boyfriend when all my friends were pairing up. I remember friends talking about their first orgasms, singing the praises of their boyfriends for making them feel so good, and thinking “I don’t need a boyfriend for that!”

Of course, one boy did eventually catch my eye. We got together when I was eighteen, and he showed me that there is so much more to the orgasm…but that’s a story for another time!


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